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How to use Shopify Flow to double reward points on Member Day and Flash Sale Day
How to use Shopify Flow to double reward points on Member Day and Flash Sale Day
Ray Kung avatar
Written by Ray Kung
Updated over a week ago

What is Shopify Flow?

Shopify Flow is a self-developed automation tool by Shopify designed to help you monitor events occurring in your store and automatically execute corresponding tasks and processes. You can install this tool for free as long as your Shopify store plan is Shopify, Advanced, or Plus. Through the use of triggers, conditions, and actions—three key components—you can automate your workflow. For example, tasks such as automatically labeling orders or checking order amounts can be streamlined using Shopify Flow.

What marketing campaigns can be created?

This article will guide you on how to effortlessly create the following three marketing campaigns using Ako Marketing and Shopify Flow, helping boost your store performance:

  • Monthly/Weekly Double Points on Member Days

  • Double Points on Flash Sale Events

  • Double Points on Purchases of Designated Products

Before getting started

1.Check your subscription plan.

Please go to the Ako Marketing dashboard > Click on the navigation menu icon "≡" > Service Plans > Ensure you have subscribed to the Platinum Plan (US$49/month) or a more advanced plan.

Not sure which plan is best for you? Please email

2. Activate the Points Reward Mechanism.

Navigate to Loyalty Program > Programs > Ensure the "Points" feature is in the enabled state indicated by the green "Enabled."

Not sure how to configure points? Click here

3. Install Shopify Flow Click here to install

Step 1: Create an Automated Doubling Process for Points

1.1. Scenario One: Fixed Periodic Event. Example: Member Day on the 5th of every month, Member Day every Tuesday

  1. In Ako Marketing > Loyalty Program > Ways to Earn Rewards > Verify that the activity for earning reward points through "Place an order" is enabled:

2. In Shopify Flow, click on "Create workflow."

3.Click on "Select a trigger" and add "Order paid" as the trigger condition.

4.Click on "+" to add an "Action," then choose "Add order tags" to implement automatic labeling. Next, in the "Tags" field, enter the syntax based on the activity cycle:

​​ 👉 Date{{ order.createdAt | date: "%d" }}

This syntax will convert the order creation time to a date and add it as an order tag. For example, if the order is placed on the 5th, it will automatically label the order with "Date5":

​​ 👉 {{ order.createdAt | date: "%a" }}

This syntax will convert the order creation time to the day of the week and add it as an order tag. For example, if the order is placed on a Monday, it will automatically label the order with "MON":

5. Add another "Action" and set a wait time of 30 seconds.

↳ This means that the order will automatically be labeled with Date5, Date6, and so on, 30 seconds after payment. To ensure the seamless execution of this process within Shopify Flow, we recommend setting a 30-second wait time. This buffer allows for optimal system performance and a smooth integration of the labeling mechanism into your workflow.

6. Add a "Condition" to filter orders on the day of the event. Click on "Add criteria," choose "Tags," and input the date tag (e.g., Date5 or MON) in the "Tags_Item." Set the filter condition to "Includes":the filter condition to "Includes":

↳ Example: Only orders containing the Date5 tag will be included in the execution scope of Shopify Flow.

7.Add another "Condition" and select "customer tags" to check if the purchaser has a membership status. Input the membership level tag in the "Tags_item" field. You can find this tag by going to Loyalty Program > VIP and copying the tag you've set for the membership level (=Tag Key).

If each membership level earns the same amount of reward points, please set it as "Is at least one of" and input all the level tags.

If different membership levels receive varying multiples of reward points, please set it as "Includes," and create a separate branch for each level.

8.Add an "Action," click on Installed App Actions, find Ako Marketing in the list, and select "Award points for order placed":

9.In "Multipliers," input the multiplier for the reward points, and in "Reward Expiry," set the expiration period for the points:

Example: A customer who originally earned 2 points for every $1 spent will now receive 4 points for every $1 spent after participating in this activity.

10. Save and click on "Turn on workflow" to officially activate it.

1.2. Scenario Two: Flash Sale Points Doubling

↳ Example: Orders placed during the period of September 1st to September 3rd with points doubled.

1.In Ako Marketing > Loyalty Program > Ways to Earn Rewards > Confirm that the activity for earning reward points through "Place an order" is enabled:

2.In Shopify Flow, click on "Create workflow."

3.Click on "Select a trigger" and add "Order paid" as the trigger condition.

4.Add a "Condition" to check orders placed during the period of September 1st to September 3rd. Set the condition as "Greater than or equal to 9/1 12:00 AM and Less than or equal to 9/4 12:00 AM" to include orders placed up to 11:59:59 PM on September 3rd in the points rewarding process:

5. Add an "Action," click on Installed App Actions, find Ako Marketing in the list, and select "Award points for order placed"

6.Go to "Multipliers," input the multiplier for the reward points, and in "Reward Expiry," set the expiration period for the points:

↳ Example: a customer who originally earned 2 points for every $1 spent will now receive 4 points for every $1 spent after participating in the Flash Sale.

🚨 If only members can participate in the Flash Sale, please refer to Step 7 of Scenario 1 to set up membership qualifications.

  1. Save and click on "Turn on workflow" to officially activate it.

Scenario Three: Bonus Points for Designated Products

1.3.1. Purchase specific items for a "Double Reward Points for the Entire Order" promotion.

  1. In Ako Marketing > Loyalty Program > Ways to Earn Rewards > Confirm that the "Place an order" reward points activity is enabled.

  2. The system will use "Product Tags" to check if the order contains the specified items for point rewards. Please check in your Shopify product backend to ensure that the products for your campaign are labeled with the specified tags (see the screenshot below).

  3. In Shopify Flow, click on "Create workflow" to establish the workflow.

  4. Click on "Select a trigger" and add "Order paid" as the trigger condition.

  5. Add a "Condition," choose to check "product tag," and input the specified product tag you created in the "Tags_item" field.

  6. Add an "Action," click on Installed App Actions, find Ako Marketing in the list, and select "Award points for order placed."

  7. In "Multipliers," input the multiplier for the reward points, and in "Reward Expiry," set the expiration period for the points:

↳ Example: If you originally earn 1 point for every $1 spent, a $1000 order containing specified products can transform from 1000 points to ➜ 1000 * 6, resulting in a total of 6000 points.

8.Save and click on "Turn on workflow" to officially activate it.

1.3.2 Purchase specific items for "additional" bonus points.

  1. Go to Ako Marketing > Loyalty Program > Ways to Earn Rewards > Confirm that the "Place an order" reward points activity is enabled:

  2. The system will use "Product Tags" to check if the order contains the "specified items" for point rewards. Please go to the Shopify product backend and check that the products for your campaign have been labeled with the specified tags (refer to the illustration below).

  3. In Shopify Flow, click on "Create workflow" to establish the workflow.

  4. Click on "Select a trigger" and add "Order paid" as the trigger condition.

  5. Add a "Condition," choose to check "product tag," and input the specified product tag you created in the "Tags_item" field.

  6. Add an "Action," click on Installed App Actions, find Ako Marketing in the list, and select "Award points":

7.In "Points Amount," input the quantity of additional points you want to reward, and in "Reward Expiry," set the expiration period for these points:

8. Save and click on "Turn on workflow" to officially activate it.

Step 2: Configure Points Notification Email

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